Essay, documentary, 31'42''
What can cinema do for Brazil? Film students seek the purpose of producing documentaries, questioning the power of images in the construction of a national imaginary, the dialectic between representation and reality, and the ethics behind images widely disseminated through the media. The object of this research is the representation of street demonstrations in the country.

Campinas, Brazil, 2021
Written, directed and edited: Giovanni Saluotto & Isabella Ricchiero
Production: Isabella Ricchiero & Júlia Moretzsohn
Post-production: Giovanni Saluotto & Bárbara F. Santos
Sound mixing: Augusta Gui
Music: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Augusta Gui, Família Passos, Estação Primeira de Mangueira, Michael Nyman
Cast: Ana Carolina, Dácia Ibiapina, Eduardo Escorel, Fernão Pessoa Ramos, Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho, Giovanni Saluotto, Helena Ignez, Isabella Ricchiero, João Moreira Salles, Orestes Toledo, Patrícia Mourão, Pedro Guimarães, with Guido, Gustavo de Andrade, Josafá Veloso, Lucas Manuel Mazuquieri Reis, Raquel Magalhães

This project was selected for funding by Projeto Aluno Artista | SAE - Unicamp

Film Festivals
Bradoc Festival (best documentary winner)
Festival Cine MIS
FIDÉ Brasil 2022
14º Festival Entretodos
12º FICBC - Balneário Camboriú International Film Festival (special jury award winner)
V MOV Festival (best narrative construction winner)
5º Metrô – Festival Do Cinema Universitário Brasileiro
EXPOCOM – Exibição de Pesquisa Experimental em Comunicação
3º Desver – Festival de Cinema Universitário de Mato Grosso do Sul
Mostra Aluno-Artista
Mostra SESC Campinas
III Congresso de Permanência Estudantil
I Séminaire International des Résidents de la Maison du Brésil
Lift Off Sessions June 2021
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